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I am sure that I do not have a regular readership for this blog, but I sometimes imagine what questions my readers would have. And while I think I am probably wrong about what their questions might be, I am going to answer one of them anyway.

Why do I write religious posts on this tech blog?

Of course, I write personal posts and rants too, but other tech bloggers do that as well. But tech bloggers do not usually talk about religion. And I started my blog with a post about religion!

The truth is that I cannot separate my religion from my work, or my personal life. And I don’t want to.

But there is a more pressing reason: because the current prophet has asked all of us to gather Israel.

In my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the term “gather Israel” refers to missionary work, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, missionary work is usually done by those who are good at interacting with people, those who have well-honed soft skills. And if there is anything I am famous for, it is not having those skills.

But I don’t give up that easily.

A quote attributed to St. Francis of Assisi says, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”

And that is what I am doing. I am trying to show, through example, what it is like to try to live a righteous life, and sometimes, I have to talk about my religion; otherwise, my readers would not know that I am religious.

Of course, I don’t think my talk about religion is going to convince anyone to investigate the Gospel. I personally think the greatest blessing of it will be how I grow in trying to be sincere with who I am in front of an audience, rather than in actually helping someone find the Gospel. And that is fine; honestly, I have a lot of growing to do.